Monday, November 9, 2009


i feel like being somewhere where no one knows me.
a totally new start. and everyone is nice.
In this ideal world there would be no drama, no secrets, and no lust.
No hunger, thirst, attraction, repulsion.

People would just be, and not be judged.

and you would know who you were meant to be with.
without any of the hassle in getting there.
Perfect bliss.
I guess I'll just have to wait.
someone wants to show me to my fairy tale.

where music grows on trees,
and the imaginations can carry you to any destination.

Can even take you to love

all i really want is love
show me love
perfect love,
I'm doubting if it humans can obtain such a level
share some
with me I'd appretiate some right now

and that would be my perfect world

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hello, My name is Michelle

I feel like starting over.
it's not a bad thing by any means, not at all.
It's just sometimes life over takes you,and you get SO lost and burried in it, and this time i just need a break, a clean one at that too.
not the people, i don't want to replace them, i just want to add people to my life.
I feel like placing my pen down on a new page, a new chapter.
SO CLICHE, but i love cliches, they're so true they're used over and over.
So, i have absolutely no idea where this start over will take me.
it just feels as if today I just finished a section of my life, i have no need to go back and change or fix anything, it certainly was an interesting chapter no doubt, and yes there are zero regrets.
but once again i feel as if a monumental change is fast approaching, and this time, i feel as if i'm ready for it.
they usually hit me by surprise, and i don't like when that happens,
but i am ready for a change, actually excited about this one
i am welcoming change for once in my life with arms wide open
embrace me :P

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Cannot Decide

I don't even know what to think anymore.
I have no clue what i want anymore.
Pretty much, i need guidance, because I am sick making decisions.
Can someone else do it for me?
Although, i guess thats the beauty and the curse of being a person living in America.
You get so much freedom.
So many choices, everyday, forty billion more choices to make.
That in the end, each mindless decision has less of an impact.
one looses the ability to make a good decision because each one seems so meaningless.
So when the time comes to make a real decision, I am left clueless.
Utterly lost on what to do, what to think, and what I should choose.
I need to learn, I need to learn how to make a decision.
And my decision?
I think I need some more information to think on, because, like the majority of our population, I am sick of making decisions.
unimportant decisions that have no impact on my life, and on the rest of humanity.
I'm just done.

Monday, October 19, 2009

i love you.

Dear Music,
I love you, you are my whole life at this moment. I don't know how I'd get through my day without you. You're the one thing I can always lean on, a shoulder to cry on, and a hand to hold through it all. It's as if you always know exactly what I'm going through. You sing it before i could even begin to feel it. Sometimes I'm just too stressed to talk and you seem to do all the work for me.You take my worst, and make it seem like I'm alright. That no mater what everything is going to be okay, because you are there for me through it all. Making the heartaches sound like poetry, it all just melts away. They say that you search your whole life to find the one thats right for you, humans mate for life, well, it's not always as easy as that sounds, and you my dear lover are like a journal I don't have to write about the process, and a sentence can't bear to say myself. You know the all the right perfect things to provide me with just enough sanity, always. You know all my secrets, hold all my truths, and yet, never judge me for it. Thank you for always being there to comfort, and provide me with the love I'm not sure i deserve.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm so lost.

It seems like everything this year is going completely wrong.
I have issues with
my friends
my grades
my family
just my whole life in general has become completely overwhelming.

I just always feel like I'm doling out advice to others, and don't get me wrong i love to do so, but i feel like, although i can help others make decisions i can't decide whats best for me.
i need guidance, and i don't know who to turn to.

Just for once.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

i need to say this to you.l

random statements i need to say to people.
anonymous of course but they need out of my head.

  1. Your kind of a whore, but you still amazing.
  2. I like you more than i had planned, which sucks b/c once again nothing will happen, i think I'll remain optimistic :P
  3. I'm glad i don't hate you anymore. You've changed for the better FOR SURE.
  4. I never knew i was an inspiration to you, i feel like all along i should've been setting a better example. I'm sorry for being cruel.
  5. The world is talking to you, i hope you follow the signs, and i know everything will work out.
  6. I'm scared, I'll never see you again, which is a very large possibility that i had never realized of what a risk i was at when i said what i said. i wish i could take is ALL back.
  7. I don't want you to leave me. I hope we'll stay together for the rest of our lives, i love you girl.
  8. Please don't take advantage of my friend, she's rather vulnerable, be noble, lead her in the right direction.
  9. I deserve more freedom than you allow.
  10. I still wonder what would've happened if I'd been more courageous in 6th grade.
  11. I'm attracted to you, but i don't like you. i don't think anyways.
  12. i can't take not talking to you.


Is not easy, it's not just avoiding the bad, or overlooking the evil.
Optimism is...
a whole new point of view.
seeing the bad, and making it good
looking for the silver lining, even in the most dire of situations
choosing to always remain positive.

Now, it's not for everyone. rather optimism is only or a few. But, it's what i live by, and the positive attitude i have and the optimistic people i affiliate with have made me mentally stronger and well, overall happier.