Monday, August 17, 2009


is absolutely pointless.
I've been in that damn school for 2 years now, i think i know my way around those four halls pretty well by now, and anyone who doesn't is just an idiot.

so I'm sitting in first hour and it all just hits me. i hate when something like that happens. it could be a word a phrase a name and suddenly you are caught completely off guard and the wind is taken out of you and you don't know exactly what to do. It's not an unbearable feeling because you know it's not the end of the world but it certainly isn't pleasant and makes you wonder about EVERYTHING in your life and where its all going to go from now

I'm not going to tell you what caught me off guard, because that's my business, but do y'all know what I'm talking about?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

my life for now

So, out of total boredom, and my unwillingness to read "The Hobbit" I have created this blog.
I have absolutely no intention of keeping it up or following though on this, but you never know.
SO my name is Michelle DuBois.
I hate sleep, and my dreams, and anything that pretty much makes me feel out of control. This summer has made me realize that i am a bit of a control freak. Not like overly obsessive about it, i just like knowing where my life is going, and i try my best to point it in the most direct and regret-free way.
I go to Cabrini, it's okay i guess. the people are pretty damn amazing but the school is...less than amazing. ha.
so yes, i L-O-V-E my music. i constantly have music playing. it's a pretty huge part of who i am. My favorite bands are Cobra Starship, Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, Metric,and of course, Britney Spears, oh and lately I've been HUGE into Indie music. i love it a lot. I guess I'm more of a pop and techno person and i don;t know why, but lately I'm veering more in to Alternative. My guess its a huge influence of one of my best friends.

so yes, that's all you need to know for now anyways